Balenciaga Bag Fake vs. Real Guide (Legit Check & Price)
With the Balenciaga bags gaining popularity over the years, many replicas and fakes are being sold on the market. This article is for you if you want to purchase an authentic Balenciaga bag. We list all the ways to spot counterfeit Balenciaga bags from original ones so you don’t waste your hard-earned money.
Balenciaga Fake vs. Real Guide (How to Spot a Fake Balenciaga Bag)
Notice the material make-up and hardware
First off, and most importantly, check the authenticity of the material and hardware. Original bags are made of distressed leather that lasts over time. The leather is sturdy and, at the same time, super soft. Also, original bags have an unmistakable veining that can be felt, and with constant use, it develops white marks. The zipper always matches the hardware of the bag. The front pocket is lined partially with leather, and the black canvas part of the lining should not be visible after unzipping.
However, counterfeit bags tend to be smooth, without any texture, and sometimes the veins have printed. They usually have shiny hardware.
Inspect the handles and straps
Another thing you want to check is the handles or straps of the bag. Again, Balenciaga bags are made of “suede leather,” which has a raw look. On the other hand, fake bags usually have a finished look or a protective coating. Be sure to keep an eye out to avoid them. Actual bag straps are made of one solid material with openings at the end where the hardware is supposed to fit. Also, the detachable straps should be attached to the bags. Replicas usually have the straps wrapped in plastic and tucked inside the bag.
Additionally, the bale (the metal hardware at the end of the leather shoulder strap) of a genuine Balenciaga bag is rounded, and the ends of the twisted part of the bale are smooth and flat. Replicas often have sharp-angled bales that resemble coat hangers.
Examine the zippers
Next, check the zipper and zipper heads. The majority of authentic Balenciaga bags until 2014 had the Lampo Logo embossed on the back of all zipper heads, in italics and underlined. Since then, they have been replaced with an uppercase letter B. The fake bags usually have the logo engraved and look thick and clumsy.
Additionally, tassels connected to the zippers should be as soft as the bag and match the bag’s color. There is also an extra bag of tassels wrapped in plastic and placed inside the bag. Fake women’s bags typically have intricate, stiff tassels that are short or have few tassels.
Observe the mirrors
Another thing to look out for is the mirrors. Most Balenciaga handbags have mirrors attached to the handles and stored inside an external pocket. New original bags come with mirrors already attached and not separated, and the mirror usually has a leather frame around it. New unoriginal bags usually have the mirrors packed separately in plastic or bubble wrap and stuffed inside them. You want to avoid purchasing this.
Check the rivets
Rivets on Balenciaga bags had a round and slightly convex shape until 2005. Since then, rivets on authentic bags have been deeply notched. However, many replicas come in a square or shallow half-moon shape with shallow notches.
Check the main interior
Observing the bag’s interior is one of the most important ways to check for authenticity. Real Balenciaga bags come with etched leather tags on the inside of them or an etched silver (for bags made in the years 2001 – 2008) or nickel (for bags made from 2008 to date) nameplate attached to the leather tag in the bag. This is an exception for City, First, Work, and Weekender moto bags. These bags have only silver nameplates if they have regular hardware.
From 2001 to 2004, the label on the interior reads, “Balenciaga_Paris,” but since 2005, the label reads, “Balenciaga. Paris”. Additionally, the stamping on the plate is clean and crisp, and the stitching of the interior is black despite the color or style of the bag. If the interior of your bag is missing any of these features, it likely is a fake.
Inspect the serial number
Lastly, check the serial number. The serial number can be found on the metal nameplate inside the bag. The serial number is on the back of the leather tag for a bag that doesn’t have a metal nameplate. At the end of every serial number, there’s an alphabet indicator. This indicator shows the season of the bag or its color. Since Balenciaga alphabetizes the serial numbers on their bags backward, you can quickly determine which season or year your bag is.
Balenciaga Bags Price & Cost (Are Balenciaga Bags expensive?)
Balenciaga bags come in various styles, shapes, and sizes for men and women. You name it: handbags, shoulder bags, tote bags, pouches, camera bags, bucket bags! Prices of these bags don’t come cheap due to their quality and differ from store to store. Balenciaga bags for men range from $3,700 for a Transformer Gym Bag to $225 for a logo-detail Cash keyring. Prices of women’s bags can range from $9,583 for a rhinestone embellished tote bag to a $685 crossbody phone holder. Pre-owned bags go for a lower price depending on how long they were previously used.
Where to Buy Authentic Balenciaga Bags? (New & Used Balenciaga Bags for Sale)
You can never go wrong with purchasing from the original Balenciaga website or store. Asides from that, there are authentic sellers with original Balenciaga products to buy from. Be sure to buy your bag from a reputable and authorized seller. If you’re purchasing them online, it’s best to avoid sellers with little to no customer reviews. Ensure all product details, info and photos look right. If the prices are too low, that could indicate that the product sold is unoriginal. Here are a few reputable sources to buy an original Balenciaga bag, whether brand new or pre-owned:
Legit Balenciaga Bag eBay Sellers
Seller Name | eBay Store Name | Store Link |
thefoxyshopper | thefoxyshopper | Visit store » |
davomotund0 | davomotund0 | Visit store » |
beatal67 | beatal67 | Visit store » |
kyoto-japan_since1979 | kyoto-japan_since1979 | Visit store » |
e_s_t_e_l_l_a_93 | e_s_t_e_l_l_a_93 | Visit store » |
Legit Balenciaga Bag Resellers / Stockists
Website Name | Description |
---|---| | Women's Balenciaga Bags On Sale, Up To 70% Off. | | Widest selection of Balenciaga New Season and Sale only at | | Authentic Balenciaga Bags such as Balenciaga Neo Classic mini leather bag and others for sale. |