About Us
We created CopEmLegit.com to help online shoppers around the world to find legit sellers and authentic items for many street wear and high-end fashion brands.
If you are not aware, there are many fakes, replicas, counterfeit etc. that are being sold online. It’s a hard task for many shoppers to figure out if an item is fake or not or if a seller is selling authentic items only — this is where we come in. We created CopEmLegit.com to find and list legit sellers from eBay, reseller websites and stockist for many fashion brands.
At CopEmLegit.com you will find:
– Legit sellers: we have a page dedicated for each brand where we list all legit sellers only!
– Guide: read our helpful buying and selling guide for many brands.
– Wallpapers: we have high-quality wallpapers you can download for free!
– And more more!
What does CopEmLegit.com means?
“Cop” is a slang for you are about to “get” or “buy” something”. “Em” is just short for “them”. “Legit” means “real” (ie. not fake).
If you have any questions, concerns or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us.